Friday, May 21, 2010

Themes, Symbols.

The students at Merryweather High School disrespect Melinda for calling the police at the party. They never knew her story or why she called the police. The theme of Speak, is to not judge someone's decisions before you understand them. Also, tragic events take a while to talk about and get over.

- In Italian, sordino means mute.

Melinda's closet- It shows Melinda's feelings and how she keeps them all inside when she doesn't speak.

Trees in art- She is unable to bring the details to life until the end of the story with the help of Ivy, just like she is unable to bring the details of that night to life until help from Ivy.

Spanish Class- They will not speak in English the whole year, no one understands Spanish to well because they haven't learned it, just like no one understands Melinda because they haven't learned about her.

Hairwomen- She is hidden under her hair until the end of the story, Melinda is hidden until the end of the story when she begins to become herself again.

Plot Overview

Will Melinda tell her story and get redemption for the party she went to over the summer? Melinda enters Merryweather High School with no friends. All the kids disrespect her for calling the police after a party that took place in the summer. She feels alone and has no one to talk to. She can't speak and when she tries she freezes. She meets a new student from Ohio but shortly after, Heather, no longer wants to be friends with her. She encounters Andy Evans, who raped her at the party, several times and finally gets her chance for redemption. She finally speaks up and gets respect from all the students again.


Speak, and Melinda's story slowly came to Lauri Halse Anderson. Melinda has a secret from a party she went to the summer before entering Merryweather High School. She has not told any of her friends, parents or teachers. She spends most of her time alone because her group of friends went their separate ways after that summer.

Fourth Marking Period Pages 180-197.


Melinda gathers up the courage to talk to Rachel about the night of the party. The librarian tells them to be quiet so they pass notes. Rachel says that she is no longer mad at Melinda. Then, Melinda passes a note saying that she was raped at the party and that's why she called the police. Rachel is shocked an apologizes for being mad at her, she asked who raped her. She says Andy Evans and Rachel screams liar and runs off. While standing at the lobby looking at the buses, Ivy comes up to Melinda and tells her to come see what people wrote in the bathroom. Under, "Guys to stay away from, Andy Evans", many people wrote about him being a creep and a pervert. Melinda feels happy that other people agree that he's a creep. On the day of the prom, Melinda rides her bike over to where the party took place. She rides past all her ex-friend's houses and then goes home. The Monday after the prom there is a story going around that Rachel and Andy got into a fight and shorty left each other. In the hall, Andy tries to talk to Rachel but is blocked by Rachel's foreign exchange friend. Melinda heads to her closet but is encountered by Andy Evans. Andy says that Rachel said she told her that he raped her. He says that it wasn't rape because she wanted it. He locks the closet door and tries to get with her again. She says no and he says she wont scream because she didn't before. Then, she screams no on the top of her lungs and finds glass and puts it to Andy's neck. There is pounding at the door, it was Nicole and her teammates. After, in art during the last days of school, senior cheerleaders come in and tell Melinda, "Way to go, I hope you're OK". Melinda is glad that the story got around so no one would blame her anymore for calling the cops that night. She receives a message that Rachel wants to talk to her. When the last bell ring Melinda begins to cry. Mr. Freeman says that she can tell she has been through a lot. Melinda feels that the ice cube in her throat has finally melted and she is ready to talk. She begins to tell Mr. Freeman the story.


Melinda telling Rachel what had happened changed the direction of the story. Although, she didn't want to believe her at first she finally realizes that it was the truth. Melinda finally gets her voice back when Andy tries to rape her again. She screams at the top of her lungs and Nicole finds her. All her friends begin to realize that it wasn't her fault and Melinda's life is beginning to come back together. Rachel wants to talk to her again and Melinda is finally ready to tell her story to Mr. Freeman.

Fourth Marking Period Pages 141- 180.


Any Evans joined the International Club and is becoming friends with Rachel and her foreign exchange friends. On Easter, Melinda's family doesn't celebrate or to go church like they used to. On the last day of spring break, Melinda goes to the mall. There she sees Ivy and tries to makes conversation with her. They have a conversation about art and Ivy helps Melinda draw a tree. Melinda spies on Rachel with Andy Evans. She fears that Andy will hurt Rachel but feels that she shouldn't be concerned because they aren't friends anymore. She goes to her closet to think about everything, she then writes Rachel a note saying that Andy Evans will hurt you and to stay away. Melinda is forced to give a presentation on suffragette. She is scared so David and Melinda come up with an idea to get away with not having to say anything in front of class. When their idea fails, she has to go to MISS again. Melinda stays after in art and Andy Evans comes in looking for Rachel. He asks where Rachel is and Melinda doesn't say anything. Rachel comes in and gets Andy. Ivy comes in shortly after and can tell that Melinda is upset. He says that Andy is a joke and a creep. While staying home sick, she thinks about scenarios of how she would tell anyone. She thinks about being on Oprah and other TV shows. When Spring arrives, Melinda rakes the yard. For the first time in a while, she talks to her father and asks him to get flower seeds. In gym, they are playing tennis. Melinda is paired up with Nicole to show how to play. She gives Nicole a run for her money and impresses everyone with her tennis skill. Melinda plans on playing tennis with her father eventually. Melinda's teacher cuts her hair and everyone can finally see her face. While in art, Ivy gets marker on Melinda's shirt. They both go to the bathroom to try to clean up her shirt. They talk about Rachel going to prom with Andy and both agree that he's trouble. On the bathroom wall Melinda writes, "Guys to stay away from", and writes "Andy Evans", under it. Heather appears at Melinda's house for help with a Martha project to decorate for the prom. Melinda denies to help, for the first time she sticks up for herself.


Andy is becoming closer with Rachel and is going to the prom with her. Melinda and Ivy are getting to be better friends again and agree that he's a creep and Rachel shouldn't be hanging out with him. Melinda writes a note to Rachel saying to stay away from Andy because he will hurt her. When spring comes, Melinda is becoming herself again. She talks to her father and sticks up for herself when Heather asks for help.

Third Marking Period Pages 113-136.


Melinda's parents have another meeting with the principal and her guidance counselor. Melinda doesn't talk but her parents are furious. When she refuses to talk, she is sent to Merryweather In-School Suspension. While there, Andy Evans comes in for being in trouble. When Mr. Neck isn't looking, he breathes into Melinda's ear; Melinda says she wants to kill him. In art, Mr. Freeman says Melinda needs to expand her imagination. He gives her Picasso books to look at; she likes his cubism section. For not skipping class and getting her grades better, Melinda gets an award; she is going shopping with her mother. She doesn't like shopping with her mother but is in need of new clothes. While walking to the mall, a bad snow storm comes in. Mr. Freeman offers her a ride. They have a nice talk about art and Mr. Freeman says anytime she needs to talk, he's there to listen. She has to shop at Effert's so her mother can buy her clothes discounted. They have really unfashionable clothes but Melinda shops and finds clothes anyway. While changing she looks in the mirror and begins to care about her appearance again. She wishes she could forget everything and be normal again. Melinda's grades are getting increasingly better, she plans on acing her biology test. To avoid walking into the cafeteria awkwardly, she packs bologna sandwiches so she can go and get to a table faster. Heather is sitting with the Marthas and they have a new member, they begin laughing and Melinda wonders if they are laughing about her. After school, Melinda goes to the closet for sleep when she is supposed to be staying after for help. She oversleeps and wakes up to cheers coming from the basketball game. She walks into the gym to watch the end of the game and when her school's team wins, David offers her to come to his house with a few friends to celebrate. Melinda is scared and says she is busy. Melinda talks about the night at the party. It was a senior party that Rachel got them into because her brother. There was alcohol and Melinda was drinking. She walked out of the crowd and a senior came up to her, they began to dance and kiss. He asked her if "she wanted to", but Melinda said nothing in confusion. Next thing she knows, they were on the ground. Melinda tried to say no but he covered her mouth, Andy Evans raped her. When she got up she was confused and scared so she called 911. The police came and everyone knew that she was the one who called the cops. She ran off for her house in fear.


There appears to be lack of communication and family problems at Melinda's house. Her parents don't get along and when asked about marriage problems by Melinda's guidance counselor, her mother begins to yell. In MISS, she sees Andy Evans and he breathes into her ear. This brings back memories from the night of the party. Melinda seems to be getting better, she now cares about how she looks and just wants everything to be back to normal. She is hurt when she thinks that the Marthas and Heather were laughing at her at lunch. Melinda is still scared to go to parties when David offers her to come to celebrate her basketball teams win. A part of her wants to go and a part of her says it's a bad idea. We learn that she was raped by Andy Evans at a senior party after drinking. She called 911 in fear but nobody knew what had happened so they all got mad at her.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Third Marking Period Pages 95- 113.


When Melinda misses the bus for school and is forced to walk, she begins to head to school but stops for a snack at Fayette's. Just as she was about to head in she was confronted by Andy Evans. She ran off as fast as she could and decides not to go to school. She makes her way to the mall to warm up; she spends the rest of her day waiting for school to end so she can head home. In English, they are reading Nathaniel Hawthorne, her teacher tells the class to focus on symbolism. Rachel stands up and asks why they are learning about symbolism and that maybe Nathaniel was just writing a book and not incorporating symbolism. At lunch, Heather tells Melinda that they can no longer be friends because they are two different people. When Heather get's up to throw away trash, she then sits with her Martha friends. On Valentine's Day, Melinda finds a valentine on her locker. She is afraid it is a joke and ends up by not opening it. In biology, Melinda begins to think that David was the one who put the valentine on her locker. After, she makes her way to her locker to see if it was David who wrote the valentine. It was Heather, saying she's happy Melinda understood; in the valentine was the friendship bracelet Melinda gave to Heather. While walking home, Melinda goes to the hospital and wonders until she has no where else to go, then she waits for the bus.


She new school mascot is a hornet, Melinda says she is allergic to hornets. When she sees Andy Evans and he tries to talk to her, she runs off as fast as she can and spends the rest of the day avoiding school. In the mall, when the security comes and doesn't ask her if she's lost or OK, she says that she wishes she was in 5th grade again, innocent and looked after. Also, Melinda begins to cherish her and Heather's friendship when Heather no longer wants to be friends with her. Heather says that she doesn't like to do anything and they are nothing alike. Melinda is now in desperate need of a friend. Melinda and David are getting increasingly close, and on Valentine's Day when there is a Valentine left on Melinda's locker, she begins to think it is his. She finds out it is Heather's "no longer friends" valentine and Heather gives back their friendship bracelet. Melinda says she wishes that somebody liked her and didn't think she was weird. In the hospital, Melinda encounters many sick people. She wishes to be in a hospital bed, but when she sees somebody come in hurt; she feels bad for her thought and then leaves.